Delhi's pollution can be curtailed by Dynamic Pricing Parking managed by its Residents Welfare Associations

Written with Srijit Ghosh This year Diwali in Delhi, the goddess Laxmi didn’t quite stay after gracing the city’s residents, but rather she must have scurried away in a hurry to avoid the poisonous concoction that was Delhi’s air. After the festival, Delhi reported the highest levels of particulate matter in the air. Parts of Delhi experienced up to 1,238 PPM of 2.5PM particulate matter, where the usual average unhealthy level is around 300 PPM (the global safe recommendation is 10 PPM). Due to the persistent thermal-inversion, the situation remained bleak for nearly a week. Schools and public institutions were closed. Factories were directed to shut down. In fact, for the first time, residents could taste the dirtiness of the air. Delhi’s air pollution problem can’t particularly be blamed on single source such as high industrial activity on its outskirts; heavy levels of construction, or; hinterland farmers burning crop stubs post-harvest, but it’s persistency ca...