Street to Square: What can the new Latham Square Plaza do for Downtown Oakland ?
The City of Oakland is a few days away from inaugurating its very first street to plaza conversion at Latham Square where Telegraph Avenue begins, branching off of Broadway. The project being almost a capstone to all the transformation that has happened in uptown Oakland along Telegraph Ave, making the city the 'Brooklyn' of the Bay Area. It closes off the section of the street that merges into Broadway, and is for now, planned as a temporary transformation. Amenities are not quite bolted to the ground. The city has brought in some movable planters, seating and bollards. It painted the asphalt and added a fancy sign (design drawings here ). These temporary improvements are well designed, but I'm not quite sure what are the city's expectations of the plaza. What would make the city change it to a more permanent amenity . Being a block away from my office, there is a sense of excitement in the office to see what comes of the transformation. Colleagues had...